Lengthen, strengthen, and energize your body with small, ballet-inspired movements. This class is similar to Ballet Toning, but incorporates a ballet barre for stability.
Instructor: Holly
Location: RCHS Room 110 (please use door by staff parking lot off to the side of bus lane)
Chair Yoga
Participants perform postures and breathing exercises with the aid of a chair in this gentle form of Yoga. Experience the benefits of yoga without having to get up or down from the floor. Pre-registration is required due to limited space. Email Miranda at mirandahope@yahoo.com for more details. UPDATE: THIS CLASS IS CURRENTLY FULL. PLEASE EMAIL MIRANDA TO BE ON THE WAIT LIST.
Instructor: Miranda
Location: Rappahannock County Public Library

This non-contact, cardio class is inspired by martial arts: Karate, boxing, Tae Kwon Do, & Muay Thai.
Instructor: Mike
Location: RCHS Room 110 (please use door by staff parking lot off to the side of bus lane)
Low Impact Aerobics
Increase your heart rate in this low-impact cardio workout.
Instructor: Gail
Location: RCHS Room 110 (please use door by staff parking lot off to the side of bus lane)

RIP 30
Strength training set to music. Join us for this 30 minute barbell workout.
Instructor: Holly, Jackie, & Mandi
Location: RCHS Room 110 (please use door by staff parking lot off to the side of the bus lane)

Increase your steps with this fun, cardio workout. Step on, over, and around a height adjustable "step" platform. Class concludes with core exercises.
Instructor: Gail
Location: RCHS Room 110 (please use door by teacher parking lot off to the side of bus lane)
Come out and walk with us. All paces welcome and encouraged to attend.
Instructor: Jackie
Location: RCES (Meet in front lobby)

Wellness wednesday
This is an informal, weekly group gathering. Different weekly themes, nutrition, and fitness topics are discussed. Check out our weekly newsletter to see upcoming topics. In some cases, preregistration may be required.
Instructor: C2BF Team
Location: RCHS Room 110 (please use door by staff parking lot off to the side of bus lane)

Traditional style yoga poses, balance work & stretching followed by a short meditation/relaxation.
Instructor: Miranda
Location: RCES Room 28