Through a PATH Foundation grant, C2BF is excited to continue the POP Bucks program to provide access to local food and support our local 2024 Farmers Market season. EVERY Rappahannock County Public Schools student has the opportunity to redeem a POP Bucks Market Bag, which will include local produce, protein, bread, and more! Sign-up is required.
Plus, EVERY student picking up a market bag will be given two $5 tokens to redeem for additional items at participating vendors.

Pick-up is on Saturdays between 9 am- 12 pm at the Rappahannock Farmer's Market (by Black Twig in Sperryville).
Upon receipt of sign-up, you will receive a confirmation email.
Appointment dates are booked on a first-come, first-served basis, with new families taking priority to ensure all students receive a market bag. We are unable to accommodate holds. Market bag contents vary each week, but each bag will include produce, protein, and bread from local farmers.
For questions, please contact C2BF by email at popbucks@rappahannockschools.us.